There are many different lengths of the recorder. They range from very small to very large. Each one has its own unique sound and place in the music world.
The typical lengths for the main types of recorders are soprano length is 12 inches (32cm); the alto is 48.7cm (19.17 inches), the tenor is double the length of a soprano.
The exact length of the recorder varies depending on the type of recorder and the brand. I have put all the lengths below in a table for convenience.

How Long Are Recorders?
Recorders vary in length depending on their type.
The Four main types of recorders are the soprano(descant), alto(treble), tenor, and bass.
You also have the Garklein and Sopranino recorders that are smaller.
And the great bass and of course the largest recorder in the world which has its own section below.
How Long Is a Standard Recorder?
The standard recorder is the one that is played in schools. It is the soprano(descant) recorder and it is usually 32 to 33cm (12-13inches) long. It varies in length slightly depending on the brand of instrument and the model.
Recorder Lengths Compared Table
Recorder Type | Length of Recorders | Overview of Recorder Lengths |
The Garklein | Is the shortest length at only 16.5cm (6.5 inches). | This is a very high-pitched recorder. The smallest recorder. |
The Sopanino | 20cm (7.9 inches) to 24cm (9.44inches) in length | Easily portable. High Pitched recorder. |
Soprano (Descant) | About 30cm-33cm or 11.8 -13 inches long. The main size played by children. | This is the most commonly known recorder length for children and beginners. It is in the key of C. |
Alto (Treble) Recorder | 48.7cm (19.17 inches) long. The favored length of the recorder of adults | This recorder has a lower sound. It’s easier for larger hands. Those with small hands can use it. Ideal for adult beginners and improvers. In F key with different fingering than the soprano |
Tenor Recorder | The tenor is twice as long as the soprano recorder at 62.2cm – 64.4cm 60.8 cm | The tenor is much deeper in sound with the same fingering as a soprano. Lovely sound and can still easily play solos. The hand stretch is much more. Keys are now introduced on most instruments. A comfort tenor has additional keys to make playing easier. |
The Bass | Is about 3 feet long (91cm) starting to get into the larger sizes | A deeper sound again. Not usually the main melody. It’s perfect for sound effects. |
The Great Bass | Is about 4 feet long (1.21m) Now in the very large sizes not usually played by beginners | For more advanced players and a deeper sound again. This instrument is quite large and will have keys. |
And The Contra Bass | Is about 5 – 6 feet long depending on style (1.52-1.82m) | The deepest sounds. These are very large instruments not as popular as the others and are seldom played. |
As you can see the lengths of the recorders vary a lot depending on which one you get. Most people aim for the soprano or alto and sometimes the tenor recorders.
It’s better to start on the easier lengths or recorder to handle.
Why The Length Of Your Recorder Matters
Not only do these recorders get longer but also wider. Each one requires more air to make a sound because it is that much bigger. The larger interments typically have keys to help you reach the lower notes.
This video from YouTube shows the differences in size and sound. You can see how the different sizes affect the sound of the recorder and how each is deeper as the sizes get larger and the length longer. It can be a balance when choosing which recorder to get between size and sound.
The length doesn’t only affect the sound it also affects how you play the recorder. The holes are further apart as you get to the larger sizes. This means you have to stretch your hands more to reach and effectively cover all the holds as the size of the recorder gets longer.
Longer recorders have keys to help with the additional length. This means that most people can play the larger recorders. However, it does make them harder to play.
The cost of buying a recorder goes up with each size.
If you don’t know what recorder you have you can also tell what you have by looking at the length as they are all specific sizes and although it varies a bit it’s still clear which size is which type of recorder.
What Are The five Most Common Sizes For Recorders?
The 5 most common sizes of the recorder are:
- The Sopranino
- The Soprano/ Descant recorder*
- Altos/trebles Recorders*
- The tenors (both the tenor and the comfort tenor)
- The base recorder
I have discussed the other sizes of instrument in the table above. Numbers 2 to 4 are the most popular sizes of recorder used.
*Note: These are just two different names for the same recorder size/length. They are called different things in different parts of the world. You may see them referred to as either-or.
I have an article that explains which size is best and why.
What Is The Largest Recorder Called?
The largest recorder in the world is the Sub Contrabass recorder in B flat. And it’s huge! A whopping 3 meters long (9.842 feet). Wow, that’s huge.
You can see one here where two YouTube recorder players show one. It is quite diffuilt to play and if you are like Sarah here or myself and have a small pinky you need extra help. The sound is very deep almost liek a fog horn.
The Worlds Smallest Recorder Is A Garkelin And Its Tiny
The world’s Smallest recorder is called a Garklein. I have also seen it called the piccolo or the sopranissimo. I mentioned it earlier.
It is so tiny it is only 16.5cm (6.5 inches) in length and is very high-pitched. It’s one octave above the soprano/descant recorder.
It is in the key of C.
Believe it or not, it still has 8 holes 7 on top and one for the thumb.