One of the difficult choices to make when deciding which recorder to buy is which size of the recorder is best. There can be different reasons for choosing different sizes but there are some advantages and disadvantages for each size instrument. Some of the disadvantages can be overcome.
As a general rule, the soprano (descant) size of the recorder is the best recorder to buy for children, beginners, and improvers or people with small hands. However, many adults prefer to start with the alto (treble) recorder.
Below, I explore which size of the recorder is best which is the most popular, and the reasons why that might not always be the soprano although it is considered to be the best all-rounder.

Which Size Recorder Is Best
There are many good reasons why it’s best to buy the soprano recorder. But its not right for everyone.

The Best Size Recorder For Children
If you are buying the recorder for your child as their first recorder then the soprano (descant) recorder is the best option.
This is the recorder they will start with at school if their school teaches recorder.
Children have smaller hands than adults so the soprano (descant) recorder is much easier for them to play as it is easier to reach the holes and cover them properly.
The soprano (descant) recorder is much shorter than the alto (treble) recorder which makes it easier to handle.
It is s also about half to 2/3s the price of the equivalent model if you were to get an alto and only a fraction of the price of a tenor which is way too big for a child’s hands.
For Adults The Best Size Recorder Is More Flexible
It’s very likely that you have already played the recorder and even if it’s years later it’s surprising what information you do remember. Depending on how far you got at school it’s most likely that you started on a soprano recorder. But that doesn’t mean you have to now. I’m going to explore the soprano then below looking at the alternative size recorders and why you may or may not want to go for one of those instead
It is the most economical recorder to buy as the prices go up with each size of the recorder. There is quite a price difference between the soprano (descant) and most tenors a good $/£80 to $/£100 difference between the two instruments of comparable quality at the student price range.
Soprano Recorder Size Advantages
- The advantages of the soprano recorder are that there is a lot more material to get especially for beginners adults can even use some of the books meant for children
- It’s more often the instrument that plays the main tune if paying with others.
- It’s smaller so there is less finger stretch.
- Easier to hold and play than a larger instrument.
- It’s way cheaper to buy than the larger size recorders. This means you can get a better quality instrument whatever budget you have or even go for a quality wooden one which is about double the price of the plastic equivalent.
Soprano Recorder Size Disadvantages
- The smaller the size recorder the higher the pitch and not everyone appreciates the higher pitch of the soprano especially when played badly which let’s face it as beginners we all do to start with.
- Pets might struggle with the sound especially the higher notes.
- You might have negative associations with the soprano recorder.
- Adults have larger hands. If you have very large hands you might find the holes too close together and a bit fiddly. In which case a bigger size recorder would be an advantage.
What Is The Best Alternative Recorder To The Soprano?
If you don’t like the sound of the soprano (descant) recorder, it hurts your ears or you have bad memories of the recorder from school you might want to try something new. In which case the alto (treble) or even the tenor recorder would be the better option for you.
This is why I chose to go for the alto (treble) recorder rather than the soprano. I wanted a different sound. If you can cope with the different fingering on the alto I’d say this is the best option over the soprano, if not then it has to be the tenor just be aware of the things I have stated below before you go for it. The bass in my view is just way too big and limited for beginners. You can always move up to the bass later on. Often recorder players will have and play all the recorder sizes.
The alto is the next recorder size up.
Advantages of the Alto Recorder
- The alto is a great alternative to the soprano because it is lower pitch and more mellow than the soprano which makes it easier on the ears.
- The holes are wider apart which is better for adult-size hands
- Even smaller adults with smaller hands can play comfortably.
- Altos do work well as a solo instrument.
The Alto Recorder in Action
Disadvantages of the Alto Recorder
The larger size of the alto means that you do pay more for it but at the student end that isn’t a huge amount.
While there is a lot of material on the market for altos there is definitely less than for a soprano for beginners. Don’t let that put you off as you can still easily get music for it and there is a lot of music for the experienced alto player. Just beware and check you are happy with what you can get before you decide as you can’t simply use a soprano music book as the key is C and not F.
Tutorial books don’t always put the alto as the main tune if there is more than one player. But there is no reason why the alto cant be the solo instrument or the one that plays the main melody.
The Alto is in the Key of F and not C like the soprano which means different fingering. I thought the different fingering would be an issue not having played the alto before when I got mine but it is surprisingly easy to transfer to the new fingering. The advantage is that you learn both (preferably not at the same time if you are a beginner or returning after a long break). It is expected if you become an advanced enough player to be able to play any of the recorders anyway. The alto is usually the next recorder to learn after the soprano. If you grade (depending on your country) you are expected to know both.
The higher notes can be a challenge on the alto if you are a beginner but simply practice your breathing and learn how hard to blow and you will be able to use it.
The Tenor Recorder Advantages
- If you want to go lower than the soprano recorder but don’t want to mess with different fingering then go for the tenor as that is in the same key as the soprano, key C.
- the tenor has a much deeper sound than either the also to the soprano.
- It’s nicer on the ears even for beginners.
The Tenor Recorder Disadvantages
- The disadvantages of the tenor of course are that it’s a much bigger instrument and costs a lot more to buy.
- The tenor is mostly an ensemble instrument so there arent many solos for it. However, having said that you can use the music that is meant for soprano recorders as it is in the same key as them (Key of C).
- It has a much larger stretch for smaller hands as the holes are much wider apart.
- Most tenors are about 5 times the price of a similar soprano instrument even for the student range.
- The tenor is much longer than the alto recorder. You are starting to get to the size instrument where you have keys on most tenors.
- They are heavier to hold so more tiring to play.
- You may find that you have to hold them to one side when you play due to their length.
Recorder Sizes Overview
Above I have included the main sizes of recorders most beginners would choose. here are some other sizes as well. These are not so popular especially for the beginner recorder player.
Name | Size | Advantage | Disadvantage |
The Garklein | Is the smallest size at only 16.5cm (6.5 inches). | Easily portable | Too small for large hands Very high pitched |
The Sopanino | 20cm (7.9 inches) – 24cm (9.44inches) | Easily portable. | High Pitched may be too small for larger hands |
Soprano (Descant) | About 30cm-33cm or 11.8 -13 inches long. The main size played by children. | Ideal for children and beginners. In key C. | Higher pitched but not too high. |
Alto (Treble) Recorder | 48.7cm (19.17 inches) The favored size of adults | Lower sound easier for larger hands but smaller hands can also use. Ideal for adult beginners and improvers. | In F key with different fingering |
Tenor REcorder | The tenor is twice as long as the soprano recorder | Same fingering as a soprano. Lovely sound and can still easily play solos. | Starting to get too large. Difficult to play for smaller hands. |
The Bass | Is about 3 feet long (91cm) starting to get into the larger sizes | Ideal for sound effects. | Way to big for beginners, Very expensive. Starting to have a more limited range. |
The Great Bass | Is about 4 feet long (1.21m) Now in the very large sizes not usually played by beginners | Way to big for beginners, Very expensive. Rarely played | |
And The Contra Bass | Is about 5 – 6 feet long depending on style (1.52-1.82m) Huge recorders rarely played. | Way too big for beginners, Very expensive, rarely played. |
Which Recorder is Best If You Have Small Hands?
If you are an adult even with fairly small hands you can play any size recorder. However, it is harder to play the larger ones as you do need to stretch your fingers more. You can learn to do this by exercising your hands and warming them up. However, this does make it harder for beginners.
The larger instruments are designed to help you play even with relatively small hands.
My handspan is about 7 inches (18cm) wide on the right and 17cm on the left. I play the alto very comfortably. The tenor as I say has keys to help you so that shouldn’t be an issue other than the distance between holes.
Smaller Recorders Are A Better If you Have Less Hand Movement
The larger hand stretch of the tenor or bass recorders even with keys to help can be too much for some people that have had hand injuries or conditions such as arthritis for example. It is harder to play and can wear you out much faster.
You can also get specialist recorders with extra keys for those that struggle with playing. Even the sopranos can have keys to help play. These are usually available in the specialist music stores.
Recorder Sounds By Size
I found this video on you tube here the lady goes through each of the sizes of the recorder that you might like to buy. You can hear the difference of the sound of each.
The Five Most Common Sizes For Recorders?
The most common sizes of the recorder are the sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, and bass recorder although there are other sizes as well. You can see more on the recorder types on my Recorder types post.